Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dream or Nightmare?

You make the call.


Kristin said...

Ahhhhhh!!!! Oh no, Lisa... I think you ruined my diet just by letting me see that! I seriously wonder if I will gain weight by just looking at food. It feels like it sometimes!

For the record, my favorite kind of Dunkin Donuts is the apple spice. Not that I have had one in years! :(

Emily said...

Yummmm...I was there! It was a definite dream come true!

L a u r a said...

One donut--dream; more than that--nightmare. But, YUM...especially with good coffee!

Thinking about treats...
I thought I was getting rid of all these rice krispy kisses treats we made today by having our kids give them all to their friends...only to have the kids return home from this one house with four HUMONGOUS double chocolate muffins. I kind of made the rice krispy things to keep them all away from the ravages of chocolate in a little person's body!

I should probably get them all out of our neighbor's trees now and feed them dinner.

MJacobson said...

Yum! Save me those chocolate covered ones.

Big Nanny said...

No doubt it's a dream!

Christy said...

It's a dream!! Dunkin Donuts is my absolute fave! We have Krispy Kreme but its not the same...good but not the same. My grandmother lives in Florida and every time we'd visit we ALWAYS got DD for breakfasts. There isn't a DD any closer than 2 hours sad! :o(